Bio-Tech Organics


The creature most often missing in agricultural soils is a fungus that burrows into the crop roots, but this is not a disease organism. Once this creature is locked into a food source from the plant, it gives far more than it receives. This generous life force is called Mycorrhizal fungi and it has become an unfortunate casualty of extractive agriculture.

There are two forms of Mycorrhizal fungi, one that surrounds the plant roots and another that physically attaches to the roots. In both cases they harvest sugar exudates from the plant. AM create structures within root cells called arbuscules that facilitate the transfer of nutrients between the plant and the fungus. It is now acknowledged that these compromised creatures may be the single

most important tool available to reverse global warming as they produce a substance called glomalin. In 1996, a researcher called Sara F. Wright, discovered glomalin, a sticky substance produced by mycorrhizal fungi that generates stable humus in the soil.

This remarkable material permeates organic matter, binding it to silt, sand and clay particles in the soil. The substance itself contains 40% carbon but it also creates aggregates that stabilize carbon in the soil and prevent its return to the atmosphere as part of the carbon cycle.

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Humus, humates, microbes, minerals & more!